Potomac River tributary | credit: USGS |
The Mid Atlantic region is home to some of the best kayak fishing destinations in the USA. This post includes a state-by-state sampling of kayak fishing destinations in the region.
New York
The upper sections of the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers offer some of the best smallmouth bass fishing on the East Coast.
New Jersey
The Raritan River Watershed is one of New Jersey’s most popular areas for kayak fishing. The Upper Raritan Watershed includes the South Branch Raritan, North Branch Raritan, and numerous smaller tributaries.
New Jersey also provides access to the Delaware River. Coastal areas contain launching areas near some of the best known fishing spots on the East Coast.
Pennsylvania has hundreds of miles of small streams and creeks that are suitable for kayak fishing. The Susquehanna River is known for its smallmouth bass fishery and other opportunities.
Raystown Lake is one of the best impoundments in the Mid Atlantic region for landlocked striped bass fishing. Near Reading, Blue Marsh Lake noted for its black bass, musky, walleye, panfish, and others.
Below the Blue Marsh Lake stilling basin, the Tulpehocken Creek tailwater is said to contain one of the best trout fisheries in the area.
The Three Rivers Water Trail includes dozens of river access points along the Allegheny, Ohio, Monongahela, and Youghiogheny Rivers.
In Dorchester County on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, three rivers are known for their outstanding northern snakehead fisheries.
The Blackwater, Transquaking, and Chicamacomico rivers all produce trophy-class snakeheads. Unusually large snakeheads are known locally as "Godzilla," "dragon," or other nicknames.
In the Chesapeake Bay, kayak anglers fish for striped bass, speckled trout, red fish, and other sport fish.
At Ocean City, kayak anglers fish the inlet, bridges, and coastal bays for flounder, striped bass, bluefsh, and other species.
One of the smallest states, Delaware is known for its millpond fishing. From Wilmington to the Maryland line are hundreds of small to medium sized manmade lakes, ponds, and other waterways. Catches include largemouth bass, crappie, pickerel, northern snakeheads, and others.
Virginia has a wide range of kayak fishing opportunities. The state has a number of lakes and other impoundments suitable for kayaking. Virginia rivers range from mountain streams to large brackish environments.
Washington DC
Near the capital is the Potomac River, known as the nation's river. Potomac anglers catch bass, crappie, striped bass, catfish, carp, northern snakeheads, and other species.
North Carolina
The Albemarle - Pamlico Sound complex contains thousands of miles of swamps, creeks, rivers, and bays where kayak anglers fish for freshwater and saltwater species.
Popular impoundments include Lake Gaston, Lake Mattamuskeet, Lake Norman, and Roanoke Rapids Lake.